
We study and choose with the Customer the best engineering mix to use, ensuring the highest quality standards and compliance with the strictest certifications required.


Equipment design and manufacturing for the whole production process.

A young and motivated team works with the Customer to convert ideas and drawings into forged and machined parts.
An active cooperation between our Technicians and the Customers represents one of the strengths for the success of the project.

Co-engineering is based on teamwork involving the Customer, our Technical and Quality Department and Suppliers to bring out and to face all the points of the project and to facilitate the product development and production.

Tool room

Tool room

CNC milling and turning machines guided by CAM software to produce forging dies and equipment.

Hot forging

Hot forging

Our presses work to shape your projects.



High-tech machines for maximum product quality.

Tell us your requirements and one of us will get in touch with you as soon as possible.